Performance of Modular Prefabricated Architecture Case Study Based Review and Future Pathways
- Keywords Sustainability, Modular, Construction
- Target Group Engineer
- Language English
- Publication Year 2016
- Type Research Paper
This study seeks to clearly characterise the levels of prefabrication and to investigate the performance of modular prefabrication considering acoustic constrain, seismic resistance, thermal behaviour, energy consumption, and life cycle analysis of existing prefab cases.
- Keywords Construction, Materials, Off-site Manufacturing
- Target Group Engineer
- Language English
- Publication Year 2022
- Type Case Study
Spatial Timber Assemblies is an innovative robotic prefabrication process for timber frame modules. It combines timber frame construction with the precision and speed of robotic fabrication, regardless of the level of structural complexity.
Click here to this link:
Characteristics of Modular Construction: Meeting the Needs of Sustainability and Innovation
- Keywords Sustainability, Modular, Construction
- Target Group Engineer
- Language English
- Publication Year 2014
- Type Dissertation
This paper is part of an on-going research on the adoption of modular construction through Industrialised Building System (IBS) approach in the Malaysian construction industry
Estudio del impacto ambiental de la madera como material de construcción de viviendas plurifamiliares de varias plantas. Doctoral thesis
- Keywords Sustainability, Construction, Materials
- Target Group Engineer
- Language Spanish
- Publication Year 2012
- Type Research Paper
Study of the environmental impact that the use of wood as a construction material can produce, taking into account variables and indicators that allow a quantitative evaluation of the magnitude of the impact in the specific case of the construction of multi-family multi-storey residential buildings in Europe.
Cases de fusta
- Keywords Modular, Construction, Materials
- Target Group Engineer
- Language English, Spanish, Catalan
- Publication Year 2009
- Type Article
Evolution of balloon-frame based timber constructions. Foundations, structure, exterior insulation, interior claddings and exterior envelope. An example of a detached single-family house made with large-format laminated timber panels.
Modular is going to be the future of construction
- Keywords Modular, Construction, Off-site Manufacturing
- Target Group Engineer
- Language English
- Publication Year 2022
- Type Article
A perspective on the future building industry
Modular construction produces 45% less carbon than traditional
- Keywords Construction, Materials, Off-site Manufacturing
- Target Group Engineer
- Language English
- Publication Year 2022
- Type Article
Factory-produced homes produce less carbon than traditional methods of residential construction
A look inside ANNA Stay
- Keywords Sustainability, Modular, Construction
- Target Group Engineer
- Language English
- Publication Year 2022
- Type Article
A modular wooden cabin has won the world hotel building of the 2022 award.
- Keywords Modular, Construction, Materials
- Target Group Engineer
- Language English
- Publication Year 2021
- Type Article
This is a guide with solutions to design and build with solid wood panel systems using connections, screws and membranes.
- Keywords Sustainability, Construction, Materials
- Target Group Engineer
- Language Serbian
- Publication Year 2019
- Type Article
Various matrials are used in prefabricated construction, such as wood based and non-wood based materials. Climate of the environment does not influence each material in the same manner. This information should be taken in consideration as early as project making phase, where an optimal material for a prefabricated wood structure should be choosen whose propperties will satisfy given requirements for a longer period of time. This paper will present materials used in prefabricated construction, construction requirements, influence of environmental factors on materials. On top of all that an algorithm that helps choose optimal material for prefabricated wood construction will be presented
Novi modeli stanovanja za ugrožene u polavama
- Keywords Sustainability, Modular, Materials
- Target Group Engineer
- Language Serbian
- Publication Year 2014
- Type Case Study
Click here for the link:
Model privremenog stanovanja / Od koncepta do realizacije na primeru romskog naselja
- Keywords Sustainability, Modular, Materials
- Target Group Engineer
- Publication Year 2015
- Type Case Study
After the unprecedented floods that devastated Serbia and the region in May 2014, the students of the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Belgrade started the initiative New models of housing for those vulnerable to floods in order to provide help from a professional point of view. Publications represents one solution from the aforementioned initiative with possibilities for further development.
- Keywords Sustainability, Modular, Materials
- Target Group Engineer
- Publication Year 2017
- Type Article
This paper describes a wooden prefabricated low-energy house which consists of concrete foundations and wooden prefabricated construction.
The house represents a combination of American and European construction, it also has the possibility of easy expansion in all directions, during demolition it is easy to dispose of waste, with pictures of how to install a prefabricated house.
Fire Safe Design of Timber Structures
- Keywords Construction, Materials, Fire Safety
- Target Group Engineer
- Publication Year 2021
- Type Report
This Guide is intended to provide an introduction to the fire safety design of timber buildings in compliance with the NCC (National Construction Code of Australia - volume 1).
Timber service life design - Design guide for durability
- Keywords Construction, Regulation, Materials
- Target Group Engineer
- Language English
- Publication Year 2013
- Type Report
The guide addresses specific hazards with respect to the service life of timber construction: in-ground decay, above-ground decay, weathering, termites, corrosion, marine borers.
Net Zero Whole Life Carbon Roadmap for the Built Environment in Ireland
- Keywords Sustainability, Circular, Construction
- Target Group Engineer
- Publication Year 2021